Our focus is the natural and safe treatment of wastewater to improve water quality. We specialize in biological stimulation, effective in impacting a wide range of treatment efficiencies to provide a positive cash return for our valued clients. Our products are green, safe, and concentrated technologies with years of successful use for our clients.
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Our technologies will......Eliminate fats, oils, and greases; reduce odors, reduces sludge volumes,, ammonia, nitrogen, phosphorous, improves methane quality and volume, increases volatile solids reductions, impacts polymer and chlorine usage, improves effluent quality, effective septic tank treatment, reduces municipal surcharges, improves utility usage, is neither a bacteria or enzyme, a "green" technology, totally safe, and by now surely seems just too good to be true......simple biological stimulation ..... Xeronine, an alkaloid cell growth accelerator, restarts enzymatic processes and promotes more rapid cell growth, overcoming limiting conditions. Injecting the alkaloid causes a shift from anaerobic fermentation to anaerobic respiration with more rapid growth and activity of facultative anaerobes. It also increases that activity of anaerobic and aerobic organisms. We are now the exclusive distributor for AXCELL, AXCELL+, AXCELL SYSTEMS, a proprietary method of injection for biological enhancement of existing bacterial within a wastewater system.
Note: some of our updated case studies and informative workups are now utilizing a wider range of proprietary biological stimulants and especially, injection techniques. Please feel free to contact us regarding any informative studies if of interest and I would be happy to identify the product(s) utilized in that particular workup/case study and provide you detailed information on your intended application.
The Lakepointe Environmental Group, Inc.
Palm City, Florida
"I do not believe you can do today's job with yesterday's methods and be in business tomorrow."
Nelson Jackson
Copyright, Lakepointe Environmental Group, 2010
Nelson Jackson
Copyright, Lakepointe Environmental Group, 2010